COVID-19 Resources
There is no shortage of resources for coping but here are some that I have found to be particularly helpful.
This booklet helps to explain COVID-19 in a fun, accessible and non fear-based way to kids 7 and under. Available in 24 languages.
This picture book by EMDR specialist & researcher Ana Gomez provides beautiful metaphors and strength-based emotional coping skills for kids.
The Story of the Oyster & the Butterfly
Art Therapist Kristin Ramsey compiled resources on how to talk with children about COVID-19, online apps, podcasts and ideas for daily activities, mindfulness activities and examples of art activities for kid and teens in her Family Quarantine Toolkit
Fun, story-based yoga for kids with Cosmic Kids Yoga
Body Wellness
Try foam rolling (a.k.a "poor man's massage") to relieve some of the tension and stiffness you're feeling from stress or too many Zoom meetings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4A523-O5uk
Office Break Yoga with Adriene
Mindfulness meditations & Guided IMagery
Getting Started with Mindfulness: Health & Wellness Resources
Free Daily Live Practice Meditation and Compassion Sessions from UCSD School of Medicine
10-minute Mindfulness Meditation with Daily Calm
Free Guided Meditations from UCLA Health
Health Journeys Guided Meditation
Stress & Anxiety
Coping with Anxiety related to COVID-19
Strategies for Dealing with Relational Stress
Anxiety websites, blogs, books & films from Resources to Recover
For Frontline workers
Low-Cost/Free Short-term Online Therapy Sessions for Frontline workers
Self-Care EMDR Technique for Frontline Workers
general Trauma
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma
by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Invisible Heroes: Survivors or Trauma & How They Heal
by Belleruth Naparstek
Trauma & Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
by Judith L Herman
Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy
by Francine Shapiro, PhD
You are the One You've Been Waiting For: Bringing Courageous Love to Intimate Relationships
by Richard C Schwartz